Flow Conversions

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List of abbreviations:

     Unit of measurement  Abbreviation
     gallon/day   gal/d
     gallon/hour   gal/h
     gallon/minute   gal/min
     gallon/second   gal/s
     gallon (UK)/day   gal/d
     gallon (UK)/hour   gal/h
     gallon (UK)/minute   gal/min
     gallon (UK)/second   gal/s
     barrel (oil)/day   bo/d
     barrel (oil)/hour   bo/h
     barrel (oil)/minute   bo/min
     barrel (oil)/second   bo/s
     acre-foot/year   ac ft/y
     acre-foot/day   ac ft/d
     acre-foot/hour   ac ft/h
     hundred-cubic foot/day   100ft³/d
     hundred-cubic foot/hour   100ft³/h
     hundred-cubic foot/minute   100ft³/min
     ounce/hour   oz/h
     ounce/minute   oz/min
     ounce/second   oz/s
     ounce (UK)/hour   oz/h
     ounce (UK)/minute   oz/min
     ounce (UK)/second   oz/s
     liter/day   l/d
     liter/hour   l/h
     liter/minute   l/min
     liter/second   l/s
     milliliter/day   ml/d
     milliliter/hour   ml/h
     milliliter/minute   ml/min
     milliliter/second   ml/sec
     cubic meter/day   m³/d
     cubic meter/hour   m³/h
     cubic meter/minute   m³/min
     cubic meter/second   m³/s
     cubic centimeter/day   cm³/d
     cubic centimeter/hour   cm³/h
     cubic centimeter/minute   cm³/min
     cubic centimeter/second   cm³/s
     cubic yard/hour   yd³/h
     cubic yard/minute   yd³/min
     cubic yard/second   yd³/s
     cubic foot/hour   ft³/h
     cubic foot/minute   ft³/min
     cubic foot/second   ft³/s
     cubic inch/hour   in³/h
     cubic inch/minute   in³/min
     cubic inch/second   in³/s

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