Attosecond Conversion Factors - Time

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  Quantity     Reference Unit     is equal to     Conversion Factor     Unit  
1attosecond = 1  attosecond
1 = 3.1709791983765E-28  century
1 = 1.1574074074074E-23  day
1 = 3.1709791983765E-27  decade
1 = 0.001  femtosecond
1 = 8.2671957671958E-25  fortnight
1 = 2.7777777777778E-22  hour
1 = 3.1623153207853E-26  leap year
1 = 3.1688087814029E-26  mean year
1 = 1.0E-12  microsecond
1 = 3.1709791983765E-29  millennium
1 = 1.0E-15  millisecond
1 = 1.6666666666667E-20  minute
1 = 3.858024691358E-25  month
1 = 1.0E-9  nanosecond
1attosecond = 3.5233102204183E-27  novennial
1 = 3.9637239979706E-27  octennial
1 = 1.0E-6  picosecond
1 = 2.113986132251E-27  quindecennial
1 = 6.3419583967529E-27  quinquennial
1 = 1.0E-18  second
1 = 4.5299702833949E-27  septennial
1 = 1.0E-10  shake
1 = 1.1605762776514E-23  sidereal day
1 = 2.7853834219549E-22  sidereal hour
1 = 3.1687536047488E-26  sidereal year
1 = 3.9193494456848E-25  synodic month
1 = 3.1688764535079E-26  tropical year
1 = 1.6534391534392E-24  week
1 = 3.1709791983765E-26  year

  Quantity     Unit     is equal to     Conversion Factor     Reference Unit  
1attosecond = 1attosecond
1century = 3.1536E+27
1day = 8.64E+22
1decade = 3.1536E+26
1femtosecond = 1000
1fortnight = 1.2096E+24
1hour = 3.6E+21
1leap year = 3.16224E+25
1mean year = 3.15576E+25
1microsecond = 1000000000000
1millennium = 3.1536E+28
1millisecond = 1.0E+15
1minute = 6.0E+19
1month = 2.592E+24
1nanosecond = 1000000000
1novennial = 2.83824E+26attosecond
1octennial = 2.52288E+26
1picosecond = 1000000
1quindecennial = 4.7304E+26
1quinquennial = 1.5768E+26
1second = 1.0E+18
1septennial = 2.20752E+26
1shake = 10000000000
1sidereal day = 8.6164091E+22
1sidereal hour = 3.59017E+21
1sidereal year = 3.1558149504E+25
1synodic month = 2.55144384E+24
1tropical year = 3.155692608E+25
1week = 6.048E+23
1year = 3.1536E+25

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