Pound/second square foot Conversion Factors - Mass Flux Density

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  Quantity     Reference Unit     is equal to     Conversion Factor     Unit  
1pound/second square foot = 0.4882427687  gram/second square centimeter
1 = 4882.427687  gram/second square meter
1 = 1632.9325482477  kilogram/hour square foot
1 = 17576.7396732  kilogram/hour square meter
1 = 4.882427687  kilogram/second square meter
1 = 3600.0000001475  pound/hour square foot
1 = 1  pound/second square foot

  Quantity     Unit     is equal to     Conversion Factor     Reference Unit  
1gram/second square centimeter = 2.0481614149916pound/second square foot
1gram/second square meter = 0.00020481614149916
1kilogram/hour square foot = 0.00061239516664243
1kilogram/hour square meter = 5.6893372638655E-5
1kilogram/second square meter = 0.20481614149916
1pound/hour square foot = 0.0002777777777664
1pound/second square foot = 1

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