Therm (US) Conversion Factors - Energy

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  Quantity     Reference Unit     is equal to     Conversion Factor     Unit  
1therm (US) = 1.054804E+26  attojoule
1 = 99976.128977495  BTU (international)
1 = 100043.05970746  BTU (thermochemical)
1 = 25193560.714627  calorie (international)
1 = 25193.560714627  calorie (nutritional)
1 = 25210420.650095  calorie (thermochemical)
1 = 1.054804E+15  dyne-centimeter
1 = 6.58388365219E+26  electron volt
1 = 1.054804E+15  erg
1 = 77798350.533022  foot-pound
1 = 0.1054804  gigajoule
1 = 2.5210420650095E-11  gigaton
1 = 2.9300111111111E-5  gigawatt-hour
1 = 1075600740347.1  gram force-centimeter
1 = 10756007403.471  gram force-meter
1therm (US) = 39.292096239453  horsepower-hour
1 = 14937283302.34  inch-ounce
1 = 933580206.39627  inch-pound
1 = 105480400  joule
1 = 25193.560714627  kilocalorie (international)
1 = 25210.420650095  kilocalorie (thermochemical)
1 = 6.58388365219E+23  kiloelectron volt
1 = 1075600740.3471  kilogram force-centimeter
1 = 10756007.403471  kilogram force-meter
1 = 105480.4  kilojoule
1 = 2.5210420650095E-5  kiloton
1 = 29.300111111111  kilowatt-hour
1 = 105480.4  kilowatt-second
1 = 99.976128977495  MBTU
1 = 6.58388365219E+20  megaelectron volt
1therm (US) = 105.4804  megajoule
1 = 2.5210420650095E-8  megaton
1 = 0.029300111111111  megawatt-hour
1 = 10756007.403471  meter-kilopond
1 = 1.054804E+14  microjoule
1 = 105480400000  millijoule
1 = 1.054804E+17  nanojoule
1 = 105480400  newton-meter
1 = 14937283302.34  ounce force-inch
1 = 77798350.533022  pound force-foot
1 = 933580206.39627  pound force-inch
1 = 2503087913.159  poundal-foot
1 = 0.99976115011903  therm
1 = 0.99976115011905  therm (EC)
1 = 1  therm (US)
1therm (US) = 0.025210420650095  ton (explosives)
1 = 8.3313440814579  ton-hour (refrigeration)
1 = 29300.111111111  watt-hour
1 = 105480400  watt-second

  Quantity     Unit     is equal to     Conversion Factor     Reference Unit  
1attojoule = 9.4804342797336E-27therm (US)
1BTU (international) = 1.0002387672212E-5
1BTU (thermochemical) = 9.9956958825948E-6
1calorie (international) = 3.9692682242389E-8
1calorie (nutritional) = 3.9692682242389E-5
1calorie (thermochemical) = 3.9666137026406E-8
1dyne-centimeter = 9.4804342797336E-16
1electron volt = 1.5188603760751E-27
1erg = 9.4804342797336E-16
1foot-pound = 1.2853742954043E-8
1gigajoule = 9.4804342797336
1gigaton = 39666137026.406
1gigawatt-hour = 34129.563407041
1gram force-centimeter = 9.2971300826484E-13
1gram force-meter = 9.2971300826484E-11
1horsepower-hour = 0.025450411042105therm (US)
1inch-ounce = 6.694657788564E-11
1inch-pound = 1.0711452461702E-9
1joule = 9.4804342797336E-9
1kilocalorie (international) = 3.9692682242389E-5
1kilocalorie (thermochemical) = 3.9666137026406E-5
1kiloelectron volt = 1.5188603760751E-24
1kilogram force-centimeter = 9.2971300826484E-10
1kilogram force-meter = 9.2971300826484E-8
1kilojoule = 9.4804342797336E-6
1kiloton = 39666.137026406
1kilowatt-hour = 0.034129563407041
1kilowatt-second = 9.4804342797336E-6
1MBTU = 0.010002387672212
1megaelectron volt = 1.5188603760751E-21
1megajoule = 0.0094804342797336therm (US)
1megaton = 39666137.026406
1megawatt-hour = 34.129563407041
1meter-kilopond = 9.2971300826484E-8
1microjoule = 9.4804342797336E-15
1millijoule = 9.4804342797336E-12
1nanojoule = 9.4804342797336E-18
1newton-meter = 9.4804342797336E-9
1ounce force-inch = 6.694657788564E-11
1pound force-foot = 1.2853742954043E-8
1pound force-inch = 1.0711452461702E-9
1poundal-foot = 3.9950654339501E-10
1therm = 1.0002389069439
1therm (EC) = 1.0002389069438
1therm (US) = 1
1ton (explosives) = 39.666137026406therm (US)
1ton-hour (refrigeration) = 0.12002865206655
1watt-hour = 3.4129563407041E-5
1watt-second = 9.4804342797336E-9

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