Kiloampere Conversion Factors - Current

All Current Conversion Tables

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Measurement Calculator:     Current Conversions

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  Quantity     Reference Unit     is equal to     Conversion Factor     Unit  
1kiloampere = 1  kiloampere
1 = 1000  ampere
1 = 1000000  milliampere
1 = 100  biot
1 = 100  abampere
1 = 2997924536843.1  statampere
1 = 100  EMU of current
1 = 2997924536843.1  ESU of current
1 = 100  CGS e.m. unit
1 = 2997924536843.1  CGS e.s. unit

  Quantity     Unit     is equal to     Conversion Factor     Reference Unit  
1kiloampere = 1kiloampere
1ampere = 0.001
1milliampere = 1.0E-6
1biot = 0.01
1abampere = 0.01
1statampere = 3.335641E-13
1EMU of current = 0.01
1ESU of current = 3.335641E-13
1CGS e.m. unit = 0.01
1CGS e.s. unit = 3.335641E-13

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