Online Unit Converter

Length/Distance Conversions

Convert Centimeter, Chain, Foot, Furlong, Inch, Kilometer, Meter, Mile, Point, Yard and more ...

Length/Distance Calculator

Common Length/Distance conversion calculator
A few of the more common length and distance units. Such as feet, meters, inches, yards, centimeters, miles, kilometers, etc. Sufficient for common conversions.

All Length/Distance conversions
Many different length and distance units including locally used units. This is a good place if you look for something special and rarely used.

Metric Length/Distance conversion calculator
Just the metric length and distance units. Helps convert between all the different metric prefixes.


Length/Distance Conversion Tables

Common Length/Distance conversion tables
A few of the more common length and distance units. Such as feet, meters, inches, yards, centimeters, miles, kilometers, etc. Sufficient for common conversions.

All Length/Distance conversion factors
Many different length and distance units including locally used units. This is a good place if you look for something special and rarely used.

Metric Length/Distance conversion tables
Just the metric length and distance units. Helps convert between all the different metric prefixes.

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